International Documentary Film Festival
March 30 - April 6, 2025
Kaptol Boutique Cinema, Zagreb

Movies that Matter: Take on Film & Impact

Movies that Matter: Take on Film & Impact

Margje de Koning is the artistic director of the leading global human rights festival Movies that Matter, with a long experience of directing and producing creative and engaged documentaries for Dutch national television. In her masterclass she will speak about how film can contribute to a shift in perspective on all levels, from the local community to decision makers. What does the Movies that Matter festival aim to achieve? How can film make an impact on engagement and raising awareenss about globally important issues? How to reach audiences with topics such as human rights, sustainability, democracy and different international challenges through film festivals, educational events and social activities? How can collaboration between filmmakers/producers, campaign managers and NGOs lead to bigger audiences and broader reach?

Netherlands , '60

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