International Documentary Film Festival
March 30 - April 6, 2025
Kaptol Boutique Cinema, Zagreb

Audio Dox – Listen to Understand

Audio Dox – Listen to Understand

A radio feature is a special radio and art form aiming to document the time and reality we live in, paying particular atention to sound and the structure of narrating the story. Five outstanding European radio documentarians from this year's Audio Dox section will be interviewed by Ljubica Letinić, the award-winning radio journalist behind the growingly popular audiobook project book&zvuk, about their sonic pieces covering diverse but equally relevant topics - from generational stereotypes, to the culture of lies and mechanics of power, to migrant past and present beyond the 'Fortress Europe' border regime. We will learn why they decided to tell their stories by acoustic means exclusively, how they create refined soundscapes and how to strike a balance between minute documentation of facts on the one hand and buidling an atmosphere and stimulating emotional involvement from the part of the listener on the other - how to achieve understanding by listening?

with: Agnieszka Czyżewska Jacquemt, Daniel Kupšovský, Barbara Matejčić, Liam O'Brien, Nicole Terborg
host: Ljubica Letinić

EU , '80

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